The Kills live at Terminal 5
The easiest way to introduce The Kills is to casually mention that they are rock legends. While they may not (yet) have the fan base of some of the revered rock and roll greats, they certainly have the respect (with fans like Joan Jett frequenting their live shows). Despite all this, The Kills still manage to pack a venue like New York’s Terminal 5 to the brim nearly 14 years after the release of their first studio album—and that is exactly what they did Friday night.
Ash & Ice (Domino Recording Company, 2016)—the band’s fifth studio album—is what propelled their 2016 tour, The Kills pay a complete and seamless homage to their early beginnings (and everything in between). While there has not been much of a musical evolution where their sound is concerned, there is an astounding level of maturity that makes even their newest songs, songs like “Doing it to Death” and “Heart of a Dog” seem classic, if not timeless. When hits like “Pots and Pans” and “Black Balloon” grace the stage, there is an insatiable wave of energy that fills the room—audiences can’t seem to get enough as leads Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince pour every inch of their souls into each beat and lyric on stage.
Saying that The Kills represent modern rock at its zenith, both as live performers and as musicians, might be the only way to do them justice in a musical sphere that is oversaturated with bands who lack the rawness, talent, and energy that Mosshart and Hince have perfected. While the duo head across seas to finish this leg of their 2016 tour, there remains little to no doubt that The Kills will continue to live up to their legacy for years to come. Be sure to check out The Kills at thekills.tv, and on iTunes.